When deciding to provide a donation, individuals often inquire as to how their donation will be used.
The very best charities, according to philanthropic research, spend the overwhelming percentage of funds on actual charitable activities, and not on such items as marketing or salaries. However, your CHRIE FutureFund™ has always spent 100% of any funds received on awards, so you can be assured your donation is being maximized.
While neither ICHRIE nor CHRIE FutureFund™ are charities, ICHRIE is a non-profit entity that focuses on education. CHRIE FutureFund™, for explanatory purposes, is an investment account under supervision of the ICHRIE Finance Committee that supports the long-term success of ICHRIE and its members. For those who file taxes in the United States there is a slight advantage to donating funds to non-profits/charities, and with changes in recent U.S. tax laws may only apply to those who itemize deductions. It is understood that those from outside the U.S. may have different rules associated with donating to non-profits and charities. What is important to know is that writing a significant check to CHRIE FutureFund™ will have maximum impact of the amount.