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Call for Papers for 2024 APacCHRIE Conference Deadline
Friday, March 15, 2024, 11:59 AM EST
Category: Events
APacCHRIE 2024 (May 24-26, 2024) Theme: Big Leap Forward Reshaping, Innovation, and Opportunity First Announcement and Call for Papers
Yonsei University, Korea, invites you to the 22nd APacCHRIE Conference in Seoul from May 24 to 26, 2024.This conference is a venue to meet Hospitality and Tourism Academia and Industrial Practitioners and to further discuss rapidly-shifting industrial trends. With the theme “Big Leap Forward Reshaping, Innovation, and Opportunity,” we welcome all delegates to Seoul, the City of K-culture! Who Should Attend
Call for Papers This Conference, open to academics, professionals and graduate students from the Asia Pacific region as well as other parts of the world, is an excellent opportunity for presentation and sharing of peer reviewed (double-blind) research. It will likewise provide a robust sharing and exchanges among academic communities and practitioners, on a broad range of topics related to trends and developments in tourism and hospitality. We invite abstracts and/or full papers in relation to the theme: Big Leap Forward Reshaping, Innovation and Opportunity, including but not limited to the following in the context of tourism and hospitality (T&H): General Paper Submission Guidelines 1. All submissions and papers must be written in English. 2. Contributions from either individual author or multiple authors are welcomed. 3. Two types of submissions are accepted:
5. The author’s name and affiliation should be shown only on the cover page of the manuscript. They should not be indicated anywhere in the paper. 6. Submissions may be accepted either for Stand up or Poster presentations based on the quality of paper and author’s preference. 7. Once the submission is accepted, at least one of the authors must register and present at the conference. 8. Papers will be presented in either oral (i.e. stand-up presentation) or visual (i.e. poster) form. 9. Authors will have the option to have either their abstract or full paper included in the conference proceedings to be published electronically. 10. All contributions should follow the format and style prescribed by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 7th edition). 11. Tables and Figures (300dpi) should be clearly labelled in the format and style prescribed by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 7th edition) and suitable for direct reproduction. 12. Authors will retain full copyright to their work and the conference organizers are making no claim on the copyright. 13. Best paper awards will be competitively selected by the Best Paper Review Committee after assessing the final version of Full Paper (maximum 5,000 words including Reference section) submitted. Contact Information For any inquiries on the conference, please contact [email protected] For the abstract/full paper template, please visit APacchrie2024 Please submit abstracts or full papers to [email protected] For inquiries on abstracts or full papers submission, please email at [email protected]