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11th Annual NENACHRIE Spring Conference - Call For Papers Deadline
Thursday, January 30, 2025, 11:59 PM EST

We invite you to join us in Atlantic City, New Jersey for the 11th Annual NENACHRIE Spring Conference 2025.

Conference Theme: Ocean of Opportunity

The theme of the conference should resonate with every institute of higher education and business in the hospitality and tourism industry. We want to hear about your research, best practices, and discussions you have had to help make this happen, so submit your proposals. We want to feature the good work and continue discussions in an ocean of opportunity for students, educators, researchers and practitioners during our panels, keynotes and sessions. Hopefully, everyone will leave with new ideas and inspiration.



Call for Submissions

Submissions are accepted in all sub-specialties of the hospitality, tourism, and events industry are invited for peer review and presentation at the 11th Annual NENA Federation of ICHRIE Conference March 28 - 30, 2025, at Stockton University in stunning Atlantic City.

Preference will be given to those submissions that relate to the conference theme; this regional conference offers a diverse array of opportunities for NENA members and non-members.

Submission Guidelines: All submissions must be online to the conference platform through the link below.

We are using Microsoft CMT. Please submit files in pdf format only and do not identify the author(s) in the body of the uploaded submission file (for blind peer review). Upload a separate file (title page) containing the title of the paper and the following information about each author: name and affiliation; address and phone number; and e-mail address. For papers with multiple authors, correspondence will be with the author submitting the paper.

Submission Link: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/NENAChrie2025/Submission/Index                 

Key Dates:  All key dates/deadlines provided below are in Eastern Standard Time (EST)                       

  • January 30, 2025 -- Research Submissions deadline, 11:59 PM
  • February 10, 2025 -- Submission Decisions
  • March 1, 2025 -- Revisions Due for Proceedings

Submission Tracks:

  1. Paper Submission Track
    1. Submissions may take the form of completed or working conceptual or empirical papers with a maximum length of 5,000 words excluding the title, abstract, figures, tables, and references. Common sections of the paper may include but are not limited to the introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, discussion, and conclusion; 100-word abstract, and four keywords. To submit a paper, you will need to submit one file in pdf format with no identifiable information of the author(s).
    2. Best paper nominees will have the option to submit their manuscripts to the International Journal of Gaming,Hospitality, and Tourism (IJGHT) or the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education (JHTE) for priority review to be considered for publication.
    3. Track topics of interest include but are not limited to Consumer Behavior in Hospitality and Tourism; Education, Pedagogy, and Curriculum Development; Information and Communication Technologies; Sustainability and Green Technologies; Travel and Transportation, Trends in Event Management, Food and Beverage, Lodging, Crisis Management/Post-Pandemic.
  2. Session
    1. Research posters summarize completed or working research concisely and attractively. The poster should include brief text (300-800 words) mixed with tables, graphs, pictures, and other presentation formats. At the conference, the researcher will stand by the poster display while attendees visit the poster and interact with the author. STUDENTS ARE ESPECIALLY ENCOURAGED TO SUBMIT.
    2. To submit a poster, you will need to submit one file in pdf format with no identifiable information of the author(s) that includes a 100-word abstract, four keywords, and a 2-3 page narrative of the poster (the narrative should include the research rationale, background, key literature, data method, findings, and discussion/conclusion).

  3. Rapid Research
    1. The Rapid-Research is a format that is an exciting oral presentation style to support the conference theme. You will have three-five minutes to present your research idea, followed by two minutes for Q&A. Irrespective of how complex your research is, you must do this in the allotted time. In these presentations, the goal is to present to the audience only the essence of your research to gain insights, recommendations, and feedback. Your Rapid-Research submission should be directly aligned with the conference theme, "Ocean of Opportunity”. To submit Rapid-Research, you will need to submit one file in pdf format with no identifiable information of the author(s) that includes a 250-word abstract and four keywords.
  4. Professional Development Workshop
    1. A Professional Development Workshop allows colleagues to share knowledge and expertise and foster the professional development of participants. It is an opportunity to develop innovative and creative workshops that will benefit members with a specific focus on content that can be immediately applied.
    2. To submit a workshop, you will need to submit one file in pdf format with no identifiable information of the author(s) that includes the following information within 4 pages: 1) Title page which contains up to 250-word abstract of the workshop, 2) Explanation as to why the workshop should be of interest to conference attendees, 3) the workshop's format including time requirement and objectives, and 4) overview of the workshop.
    3. Authors should be prepared to lead their workshop within a 60-minute time frame.
  5. Instructional techniques or other innovative approaches in the classroom
    1. This track is focused on instructional techniques and innovative strategies in the classroom. This includes structured activities, role plays, simulations, and other forms of classroom techniques that encourage student engagement in the achievement of course learning objectives. HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATORS ARE ESPECIALLY ENCOURAGED TO SUBMIT.
    2. To submit an instructional technique or approach in the classroom, you will need to submit ONE file in pdf format with no identifiable information of the author(s) that includes 100-word abstract; introduction of the technique including rationale and relevance of the technique to the study of HET principles, theories, and/or management; learning goals with the corresponding audience (graduate/ undergraduate); teaching notes (steps in the approach, timing, materials needed, student preparation); and debrief (includes student reaction to technique/approach, application in the classroom).
    3. Authors should be prepared to demonstrate the instructional technique and/or innovative approach in the classroom within a 30-minute time frame.

NOTE: All submissions (except Rapid-Research) will undergo a double-blind review process. All author(s) will receive decisions with notice of acceptance, including comments and feedback from the reviewers. Author(s) should revise their submission as necessary. The revised final version will be included in the conference proceedings on the NENA Federation webpage.

Important Contacts:

  • Any questions about the research aspect of the conference should be directed to the Director of Research, Markus Schuckert, [email protected].
  • General questions regarding conference activities and registration should be directed to the Director of Conferences & Events, Jennifer Forney, [email protected].
  • Questions regarding sponsorship opportunities or how to get engaged with NENA at this conference and beyond should be directed to the NENA: President Noel Criscione at [email protected].

Be sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for updates!

Gold Premium Members

                                               FL Gulf Coast Univ                     FL International University                                                                                                                                                              Temple Univ                                                                  Univ of North Texas                Washington State Univ