ICHRIE Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan 2020-2025 was developed in the spring of 2020 and ultimately approved by the ICHRIE Board of Directors in September 2020. The general themes of the plan were discovered from a Membership Value Survey that was developed by the Strategic Planning Committee and sent to all of membership. The Membership Value Survey also allowed us to identify our core values, which led to clarity in our new vision and mission statements.
The survey findings, both quantitatively and qualitatively, revealed four overall “pillars” or “organizational categories” to be strengthened:
- Member Services
- Research Agenda
- Teaching and Learning
- Organizational Culture and Capability
Additionally, the need for upgraded technology to support our organizational needs was a predominant finding that is woven into every part of the association.
The Strategic Plan was further studied by the ICHRIE Steering Committee; each of the pillars were addressed in 15 smaller project teams. The questions of “who are we” and “what do we want” were explored within each project team for open, candid, and innovative thinking and feedback. The Executive Summary of the Steering Committee provides the general outcomes and recommendations of the various project teams.
The Strategic Plan and the Steering Committee Study (combined) garnered the time, attention, insight, perspectives, and feedback of over 250 members! Engagement, ownership, and collaboration has given us new energy, new excitement, and new direction.
 Find the most recently approved strategic plan here.